flooding around a bench. grease traps and floods

FAQs about Grease Traps and Floods

Texas has its share of torrential storms and flooding. Our first thoughts after a flood are safety and contamination. But floods have deleterious effects on grease traps. Here are some FAQs regarding grease traps and floods.

  1. How often should I clean my grease trap?

It’s important to clean your grease trap regularly to prevent buildup of solidified grease and avoid health code violations. The frequency of cleaning depends on the volume of FOG produced in your kitchen, but typically ranges from monthly to quarterly. Check with your local health department for specific regulations.

  1. Can I clean my grease trap myself?

While it is possible to clean your grease trap yourself, it’s recommended to hire a licensed professional to ensure proper disposal of the waste and compliance with local regulations. A professional will also have the proper equipment and expertise to thoroughly clean your grease trap and inspect for any issues.

  1. What are the consequences of not cleaning my grease trap after a flood?

Failing to properly clean and maintain your grease trap after a flood can result in a variety of health code violations and fines. In addition to the potential for contamination and disease, a clogged grease trap can also lead to foul odors, slow draining sinks, and even a backup of wastewater into your kitchen. This can result in a shutdown of your business until the issue is resolved.

  1. How can I prevent my grease trap from clogging after a flood?

To prevent your grease trap from clogging after a flood, it’s important to have a plan in place before a flood occurs. This can include raising your grease trap above flood level or installing a backflow prevention device. Additionally, scheduling regular maintenance for your grease trap can help prevent clogs and ensure proper functioning.

  1. How can I find a professional to clean my grease trap?

You can search online for grease trap cleaning companies in your area or ask for recommendations from other local business owners. Be sure to verify that the company is insured before hiring them for the job.

Or you can call us here at ReGrease. We’ll clean your trap, perform or advise on maintenance and recycle your used cooking oil. Call Now! 888-475-6057

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